👋 About Me

I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the ML program of Geogia Tech advised by Prof. Pan Li. Prior to that, I received my B.S. degree (Stat, Math and Computer Science) and my M.S. degree (Computer Science) both from Purdue University.

My research mainly focuses on the trustworthy graph/geometric learning (domain adaptation/out-of-distribution generalization) with applications in scientific problems.

🔥 News

  • 2024.06:  🎉🎉 Our paper Pair-Align gets accepted by ICML’24 (spotlight)! See you in Vienna :)
  • 2023.04:  🎉🎉 Our paper StruRW gets accepted by ICML’23!

📝 Publications

ICML 2024

Pairwise Alignment Improves Graph Domain Adaptation
Shikun Liu, Deyu Zou, Han Zhao, Pan Li. ICML 2024 (spotlight)
Paper Github


GDL-DS: A Benchmark for Geometric Deep Learning under Distribution Shifts
Deyu Zou*, Shikun Liu*, Siqi Miao, Victor Fung, Shiyu Chang, Pan Li
Paper Github

ICML 2023

Structural Re-weighting Improves Graph Domain Adaptation
Shikun Liu, Tianchun Li, Yongbin Feng, Nhan Tran, Han Zhao, Qiu Qiang, Pan Li. ICML 2023
License Github

Semi-supervised graph neural networks for pileup noise removal
Tianchun Li*, Shikun Liu*, Yongbin Feng*, Garyfallia Paspalaki, Nhan V. Tran, Miaoyuan Liu, Pan Li The European Physical Journal C and NeurIPS 2021 AI4Science License License